Kids Wania, a pioneer in playgroup and Primary Education in Abu Dhabi, believes in creating a better future by preparing today’s children with innovative approaches that have been proven to be standard and successful.
Our all-important make-believe play develops a unique and essential set of super skills in toddlers. With Play Sense play-to-learn program, you are helping your child grow into a resilient, self-regulated, powerful little being.
Kids Wania programs are inspired by the evidence into the benefits of imaginary play in young children. Our programs give you peace of mind that your child’s developmental needs are being met. And that they're having a blast while learning!
Kids Wania unique, exciting curriculum is recognised for it's unmatched creativity. Both in it's expert designed and innovative model, but also because of it's power to ignite the inherent creativity in teachers and little ones.
We believe that genuine connection is essential in developing super skills. Both Play Sense In-home and Online programs give your child a safe space to connect with our exceptional Play Sense teachers and make new little friends.
Our teachers are aware of what they are doing, they monitor and adjust their teaching behaviours to bring out the best in their students.
Teachers in Kids Wania makes your child to know everything they needed for the fruitful and successful future of your child.
Our well trained teachers makes your child to understand the good behaviour of him/her to became a great human in society.
Kids Wania provide an exciting and enthusiastic learning to your child, where each and every kid get special attention.
We offer pastoral care programmes to promote student's academic, social and emotional development. Personal counselling and learning support are available across all levels.
Our class sizes are ver limited which allows our teachers to design personalised, data-driven learning plans equally for every child.
Our educators know every child and family. Families, teachers and students are the foundation of our passionate and engaged community.
We have 24 X 7 CCTV monitoring facilities which promotes safety and well-being of children that provide peace of mind to you.
We provide uninterrupted transport facilities to children which does not affect your regular activities.
Our teachers work closely with the child’s parents to create a learning environment at the school and at their homes.
Our campus will be more hygienic which makes your child .We do have Infection control policy and procedures in place